We are investigating how to utilize ash and mud as a high value-added product. Specifically, material development of geopolymer concrete using any ash and mud is our current target.
To Utilize Ash and Mud as Useful Material

- 2024.09.06
- Two researches were presented by us at JSCE annual conference 2024 in Sendai. 「Flow characteristics of Geopolymer Mortar Using LUSI from Indonesian Mud Volcanoes (シドアルジョ泥火山噴出泥LUSIを用いたジオポリマーモルタルの流動特性)」「Geopolymer Mortar Using Sidoarjo Volcanic Mud LUSI by Heat Dissolution Mixing Method(加熱溶解後混合法によるシドアルジョ火山泥 LUSI を用いたジオポリマーモルタルの製造)」
- 2023.09.20
- "Possibility of CO2 caputuring by geopolymer mortar using Indonesian volcanic mud LUSI" was presented at annal conference of Japan Civil Engineering Society, 14/09/2023, Hiroshima.
- 2023.08.07
- We have recognized as "a venture company originating from Yokohama National University".
- 2023.07.13
- We visited PPLS and LUSI site in Indonesia.
- 2023.06.25
- Website has started.
- 2023.05.20
- Our office had moved in the campus of YNU.
- 2023.04.12
- Company had started.